Hello, I'm Iliana Dimitrova
Graphic Designer and Illustrator
Hey there! This is my story. I was lucky enough to grow up in the 90's. That's also when I discovered my love for art. I went through different phases like traditional sketching, graffiti painting, and more. After graduating in engineering design, I eventually found my true passion in graphic design. I took a gap year and lived in Spain, where I volunteered at a day-center for people with mental disabilities. When I came back, I officially started my career as a graphic designer. In digital agencies, I've worked on some really cool projects, like helping develop a social network in Libya and creating a manual for the UAE government to guide the employees’ transition from e-government to a mobile one. Along the way, I also learned some marketing tricks that explain why people end up buying stuff. For better or worse, I became a freelancer just before the pandemic and even opened my own little shop for cacti and succulents. Meanwhile, I continued working as a designer, focusing on logo and branding. When my son was born, I had to reorganize my priorities, so I decided to keep succulents as just a hobby. I'm always up for collaborating on new and exciting projects, so if you have something in mind, I'd love to hear about it!
Cheers, Iliana